Thursday, May 17, 2012

Join the Summer Bucket List

Since the countdown to summer has begun for all of us, I am joining the Summer Bucket List Linky Party. 14 more days for me! How about ya'll? These wonderful bloggers started this party: Hadar at Miss Kindergarten, April at A Modern Teacher, and Teri at A Cupcake for the Teacher. Head over to any of their blogs and link up.
Here's my list so far in no particular order. (I'm sure I will add more as the days go by.)

1. Classroom Booksource (Thanks Miss Nelson!) I really need to do this to keep track of all my books. I think I may enlist my Second Graders for help with this as I start to orgnaize my shelves to be packed away.

2. Take a vacation with family to Tennessee. I love it up there. We'll be visiting the Smoky Mountains
 and of course my favorite university.......UT! GO VOLS!

3. Work on my blog

4. Work on making new product for my side business. I started making bows for my daughter and turned it into a side business.

5. Potty Train my daughter! Ahhh!

6. Enjoy watching my little girl in her first dance class.

7. Work on my new classroom theme. I have done in previous years: ocean, rainforest, bears, country....and this year it is Forest/Camping.

8. Create new items for Literacy Stations for next year.

9. Work on Theme Lessons.

My list could go on, but I don't want to be overwhelming. What is on your Summer Bucket List?


  1. Welcome to BlogLand! I'm your newest follower. Come by when you get a chance!

    Bloggy Blessings,

    The Teacher's Chatterbox

  2. Thanks for joining ladies. I'm still learning about blogging and hoping I can get more things posted more often.

  3. thanks for following my blog! I am now following yours!!! :)

    Miss Elementary

  4. Thanks for following! I am now also your newest follower!

  5. Hi my Florida buddy! Thanks for following me! I am following you. I'll be joining you in the pottry training parade with my little one lol!
