So I am home from vacation and was suppose to be going to a Common Core Workshop for the next 4 days, however plans have changed. On our drive home yesterday, my little girl became very cranky. I checked her and noticed that she had a fever. Oh boy, that was long drive from Georgia to South Florida! When we finally got in, I was able to take her temperature which fluctuated between 100 and 101. So, I'm staying home with her and hopefully can get things done around the house and finish up some units that I started on my trip. (We'll see how that goes.)
Anyways, a former co-worker of mine who just moved back to Buffalo is having a 100+ Follower Giveaway. Hello, Cindy! (Insert wave here.) Check out her blog
Primary Reading Party.
I have donated my unit of Homophones for her Giveaway. You can also check it out in my TPT store by clicking below.
Have a Marvelous Monday everyone!
Hi Cara! Thank you! Hope your daughter feels better too!