Tuesday, April 2, 2013

April Currently

I always love completing Farley’s Currently Linky. Life has gotten in the way lately and I had to take some time off. I am back and ready to start blogging again. I always LOVE reading everyone else's currently's. You should check them out if you haven't done so already. Well, here is mine for this month.
Listening- Seinfeld. My husband is watching it and I'm working on my Butterfly Unit.
Loving- This weekend I get to plan and prepare my freezer meals. I do this about every month or 2. I buy a large amount of meats, veggies, etc. and then seperate them into meals in ziploc bags for my freezer. Some of the meals I precook and then freeze. Others I just simply prepare the meals in the bags and freeze in the freezer. Then when it is time to use, I simply thaw them out and either place in my crock pot or cook.
Thinking- I have so much to do. I planned on doing a lot over Spring Break, but I ended up just relaxing and spending time with my husband (who is also a teacher) and our daugther.
Wanting- I need to lose weight. Ever since having my daugther, I have gained weight. I used to make time to work out, but haven't done so since then. I am determined to make time.
Needing- I need to blog more. Since taking the short time off, I will be blogging more. A little bit of teaching, a little bit about family, and my everyday life.
Advice- Don't be afraid to leave comments. I always enjoy hearing from others and I know other bloggers do as well.
To check out more of the Currently Linky, stop by
Here is a picture of my precious angel in her Easter dress.

She had such a blast with us over Spring Break. She especially LOVED the Easter Egg Hunts. We went to one at church on Saturday, one at our house on Sunday Morning, and then one with the family at my husband's Aunt's house Sunday evening. She got a LOT of eggs. I guess that's what happens when you are the ONLY grandchild (for now), since my husband and I are both only children. LOL! Well, I'm off to bed. Have a great Tuesday everyone.


  1. Hi- I found you through the Currently.
    I totally agree about the comments advice.
    I get so bummed sometimes when I put time and energy into posting something and no one comments on it.
    It just feels good to hear from others.
    Good luck with the weight loss.
    It's a difficult task but SOO worth how it feels to shed those unwanted pounds.
    I'm your newest follower! :)


  2. Thanks for sharing! I found you on the April Currently!
    Come and check out my current Currently!

    Fancy Free in Fourth

  3. Adorable dress! What a little cutie you have!
    You are right, everybody does love feedback! A simple blog comment or product review can put a smile on someone else's face - perfect!

    Teaching Maths with Meaning

  4. Adorable dress! What a little cutie you have!
    You are right, everybody does love feedback! A simple blog comment or product review can put a smile on someone else's face - perfect!

    Teaching Maths with Meaning

  5. I hear you about the weight loss! And when I get home I just don't feel like doing any sort of exercise!! I think comments are so important too. I like it when people leave me comments, it helps me to know when I am the right track.
