Saturday, September 21, 2013

Apples, Apples, Everywhere- Part 1

It has been awhile since I last posted. I came down with the first illness of the year. Ugh! Get this it's still lingering. Double, ugh! My daughter also caught the bug as well. She started school and has a slight ear infection that she got from her previous cold. I'm happy that we caught it early. Besides myself being sick, I have had many of my students out sick as well. Have any of you had the same? Well, I made this little freebie to attach to my makeup work for my students. I usually copy it onto purple paper and attach it to the front of the packet. I list all of the items that need to be completed on the front for the parents. Click below to snag the freebie to use in your classroom.

This past week, we have been learning about apples. I always start off the unit with a poem. This was the poem for this week. After we read it together, they place it in their poetry books and illustrate the poem.

We also read many different books about apples. We created Anchor Charts to go with what we learned.

(We used this chart to help us with one of our centers.)
We read "Johnny Appleseed" by Steven Kellogg and charted some of the things that we learned onto this circle map.
Here are some of my students working hard filling out their graphic organizers on Johnny Appleseed as I modeled charting it for them.
We also worked on sensory words or adjectives for apples. I had my students tell me adjectives for apples and I wrote them on sentence strips which they glued to a big apple chart I made.
We then worked on writing sentences about apples using some of the adjectives from the chart.

That's it for now folks. I am off to take my daughter to Disney On Ice. I'll be back later with the rest of my Apples Unit.

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