Well, I have finally made it to summer vacation. I'm doing the happy dance because it is finally here. However, I didn't get my room completely packed today and have to go back Monday morning to finish. I only have a few odds and ends to pack up. I didn't get to take pictures of my room today, but here are a few from my library. I started to reogranize my library and started inputing my books into Booksource. Here is 2 of my shelves:
I had to place all of the books onto the shelves and have as much possible off of the tops. I removed all of my labels from the books, as I am going to be redoing the whole library. I'm still trying to figure out what exactly I am going to do. Any suggestions?
Earlier this week as I was beginning to pack up my room, my students were playing review games. As I was orgnaizing, I was watching them play a sight words review game that I made several years ago using popcorn. I found these cute plastic popcorn buckets in the Target Dollar section. (You know you all check that area everytime you go there!) It's always my first stop. I picked up several one them and than began thinking of how I could use them in the classroom. I quickly thought of this popcorn clipart I saw on the Mailbox website. I bought them and then came home and thought and thought and thought about what literacy activity I could make with it. This is where "POP! Sight Word Game" was born. My students love it! It's very simple to play. Students place the sight word popcorn cards into the box. They take turns pulling out a popcorn card and reading it. If they read the word correctly, they keep the card. If they read it incorrectly, they place the card back into the bucket. If they pull out a "POP!" card, they place all of their cards back into the bucket. Below is a picture of the original game:
Notice the two different colored cards in the bags. Those are two different sets for differentiated instruction. I actually had 6 different sets. Well, after watching my students play the game, I thought that I needed to do a little revamp of the game. So, I am pleased to present the New and Improved POP! Sight Word Game. Click on the picture to go to my TPT store.
I hope your students enjoy it as much as mine do!
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Thanks for becoming my newest follower. I just started blogging and am still getting used to a lot of things. I will be stopping by your blog to check it out.
The Teacher's Backpack