Friday, January 18, 2013

Just Another Freebie Friday & Themes, Themes, Themes

It's Friday morning and as you can tell in the title I have the song "Manic Monday" stuck in my head. Haha! Today is Employee Planning at our school which will entail a Marzano Workshop followed by us going to our sister school for our Regional Teacher Of the Year announcement. Fingers crossed that my school's Teacher Of The Year wins for our Region! It has been a hectic week and I have lots to share, but just wanted to stop by and post my Freebie this morning. It's a cute Arctic Animals Emergent Reader. Check it out below. Also don't forget to click below to check out other freebies.

Also, I'm in the process of planning out units for my teams. What units are you doing over the next few months? Share your ideas with us by leaving a comment.

Freebie Fridays

Click on the first picture!



  1. OMG! This book is perfect! Thanks for sharing! :)

    Kimberly Ann
    Live, Laugh, I LOVE Kindergarten

  2. Thanks for the cute freebie, I love this reader! :)

    Fun in PreK-1

  3. Arctic is misspelled!

  4. Thank you for noticing! I looked at this book several times and didn't even notice. I've fixed it and it is ready for redownload. Thanks again!
