Monday, January 21, 2013

This Past Week & Moving Again

I didn't get to post much this past week, but a lot of things have happened. First I want to start off with last weekend, we took our daughter to the circus. It was a blast! She enjoyed it a lot and I was amazed at how much it has changed since I went. Here are some pictures that I took from my phone. We had pretty good seats. Ninth row from the ring.

She was in complete awwww. She loved it, especially the elephants. She didn't however like the clowns. She liked them faraway, but when they came up in the stands she didn't like them so much. (I don't blame her. I'm not a fan either.) She did like one thing about them and that was the pants of one of the clowns. She asked me to make a pair for her. Ha! They seem simple to make. They were jeans with fabric polka dots with rhinestones around the edges of the fabric. I might just try to make her a pair.
So, this past week I attended a Wilson Fundations Workshop. It has been years since I used the program, so I was going for a refresher course. My school is planning on starting the program and I will be working with the students in all grade levels. If you aren't familiar with the program, click on the picture below to get more information.

I am very excited to get started with the program. My school is a Title 1 SIG school, which has many students who are well below grade level. After the workshop, I began testing many of the students who are below grade level and started figuring out some of my groups. Have any of you used this program? If so, what did you think? What results did you see?
In addition to my workshop, I found out that I will be moving classrooms. Our enrollment has gone up in Kindergarten since returning back from Winter Break. We have a couple open classrooms, however, they don't have restrooms instead the classroom and my room does. Since not having a bathroom in the classroom won't work for a Kindergarten classroom, I will be moving to an old Second Grade Classroom that had to be downsized before I started in November. This room is bigger and will allow me to have more room for the Third through Fifth Grade students that I will be working with. I also have to setup my new room as a model classroom for teachers. It will also be used for model lessons that I will be conducting for the teachers to observe. Here are pictures of my new room.

As you can see, I have A LOT to do! My mind has been going and going and going about what I can do to this room. I have been sketching out layouts of where to place things and making lists of what I need to do to this room. I also, have to STILL pack up everything in my old classroom/office. Luckily, I don't have a full time class and can take my time setting it up over the next 2 weeks. PHEW! I'm still going to keep my "Woodland" theme that I had in my classroom, before getting my promotion. Here is my list so far for my new room: Word Wall, Library, Centers, Science Board, Whole Group/Carpet Area, and Calendar Math. Can you think of anything else? My brain is starting to shut down.
Besides making my list of what I need to do to my new room this weekend, I did my usual weekend activities. Saturday mornings consist of breakfast and then dance class for my daughter. Here is a picture taken this weekend of her and her classmates. Can you guess which one is my daughter?

Yes, she is the one making the face. She is such a HAM! Haha! After dance, we ran our usual errands and waited for my husband to get home from teaching FCAT Bootcamp. My husband is also a teacher. The rest of the weekend was just your typical weekend. Nothing special, nothing different. How about you? Did you do anything special?


  1. Wow, that's a lot of changes! Good luck! Can't wait to see what you do in your new room! :)

    Fun in PreK-1
    P.S. I agree with your daughter, clowns are best viewed from afar! :)

  2. Yes, Jessica it is going to be a lot of work. I also, got your emails and will be emailing you those things today.


  3. Thank you so much Cara, that is so kind of you! I am so excited! :)

    Fun in PreK-1
